Thursday, September 19, 2013

Email Me...Maybe?

Sometimes it’s the little details in life that make us stand out from the crowd.  Maybe it’s a new outfit or shoes that get noticed or the positive way we face challenging situations.  Other times, it’s the small details that can land us in the most trouble. 

Between our two office locations, we see hundreds of new applicants walk through our doors on a monthly basis.  There are those that grab our attention because of their determination to land a job (and the mindset to do whatever it takes to make that happen) and there are those that we remember for their outgoing personalities and a host of various other traits.

We always want our Flexible candidates to put their best foot forward when applying for jobs and interviewing with potential employers and this starts with your experience and qualifications and extends to your appearance, presentation, and RESUME.  More often than not, candidates know the importance of the application and the resume.  They take their time to make certain that everything is as it should be and represents the best version of themselves.  That is, until they reach the dreaded email line and this is so often where things fall apart. 

Most candidates will use their personal email to communicate with a new potential employer and this, sometimes, opens the door to trouble.  It’s where we will find things such as “NaughtyPrincess222@” or “BigBadMike4@”.  While those types of email addresses may be fine for your personal circle, an employer may find them an interesting choice for contact. 

The solution is simple.  Establish an email account for job search purposes that, like your resume, will put your best foot forward.  It should be something such as “ssmith@” or “bobjones13@”.  When choosing, just think from a professional standpoint and imagine something that an employer might assign to you for work purposes.

There are lots of things on a resume that we hope will grab a hiring manager’s attention, but your email address is certainly not among them.  Keep is simple and professional and then don’t forget to check it often and respond in an appropriate amount of time! 

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